Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Golden Compass榛勯噾缃楃洏_151

into armor...
"If they took your armor away, lorek, where did you get this set from?"
"I made it myself in Nova Zembla from sky metal. Until I did that, I was incomplete."
"So bears can make their own souls..." she said. There was a great deal in the world to know. "Who is the king of Svalbard?" she went on. "Do bears have a king?"
"He is called lofur Raknison,http://www.rolexsubmarinerreplica.info/."
That name shook a little bell in Lyra's mind,cheap foamposites. She'd heard it before, but where? And not in a bear's voice, either, nor in a gyptian's. The voice that had spoken it was a Scholar's, precise and pedantic and lazily arrogant, very much a Jordan College voice. She tried it again in her mind. Oh, she knew it so well,nike high heels!
And then she had it: the Retiring Room. The Scholars listening to Lord Asriel. It was the Palmerian Professor who had said something about lofur Raknison. He'd used the word panserbj0rne, which Lyra didn't know, and she hadn't known that lofur Raknison was a bear; but what was it he'd said? The king of Svalbard was vain, and he could be flattered. There was something else, if only she could remember it, but so much had happened since then....
"If your father is a prisoner of the Svalbard bears," said lorek Byrnison, "he will not escape. There is no wood there to make a boat. On the other hand, if he is a nobleman, he will be treated fairly. They will give him a house to live in and a servant to wait on him,best replica rolex watches, and food and fuel."
"Could the bears ever be defeated, lorek?"
"Or tricked, maybe?"
He stopped gnawing and looked at her directly. Then he said, "You will never defeat the armored bears. You have seen my armor; now look at my weapons."
He dropped the meat and held out his paws, palm upward, for her to look at. Each black pad was covered in horny skin an inch or more thick, and each of the claws was as long as Lyra's hand at least, and as sharp as a knife. He let her run her hands over them wonderingly.
"One blow will crush a seal's skull," he said. "Or break a man's back, or tear off a limb. And I can bite. If you had not st

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