Sunday, December 30, 2012

寮備埂寮傚 Stranger In A Strange Land_490

living room . . . nor would I presume to lay down rules for another man’s livingroom. It was Mike’s house . ,jordan shoes for sale. . and his wife-common law or otherwise, weneed not inquire. So what business is it of mine? Or yours? You go into aman’s house, you accept his household rules-that’s a universal law ofcivilized behavior.“.You mean to say you don’t find it shocking?“.Precisely. In which respect I concede that my own taste, rooted in earlytraining, reinforced by some three generations of habit, and now, I believe,calcified beyond possibility of change, is no more sacred than the verydifferent taste of Nero. Less sacred-Nero was a god; I am not.“.Well, I’ll be damned.“.In due course, possibly-if it is possible ... a point on which I am .neutralagainst.’
  But, Ben, this wasn’t public.“.Huh?“.You yourself have said it. You described this group as a plural marriage-agroup theogamy, to be precise,rolex submariner replica. Not public but utterly private. Aint nobodyhere but just us gods’-so how could anyone be offended,“.I was offended!“.That was because your own apotheosis was less complete than theirs-I’mafraid they over-rated you . . ,cheap jordan shoes. and you misled them. You invited it.“.Me? Jubal, I did nothing of the sort“.Tommy busted my dolly ... I hitted him over the head with it.’ The time toback out was the instant you got there, for you saw at once that their customsand manners were not yours. Instead you stayed, and enjoyed the favors ofone goddess-and behaved yourself as a god toward her-in short, you learnedthe score, and they knew it. It seems to me that Mike’s error lay only inaccepting your hypocrisy as solid coin. But he does have the weakness-agodlike one-of never doubting his .water brothers’-but even Jove nods-andhis weakness-or is it a strength?- comes from his early training; he can’t helpit. No, Ben, Mike behaved with complete propriety; the offense against goodmanners lay in your behavior.“.Damn it, Jubal, you’ve twisted things again. I did what I had to do-I wasabout to throw up on thei

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