Thursday, November 22, 2012

  And you took my book away and hid it 'cause I wouldn't go andswing when you wanted me to

  "And you took my book away and hid it 'cause I wouldn't go andswing when you wanted me to," added Annette, the oldest of theSnow trio.
  "I shan't build my house by Willie's if he don't want me to, sonow!" put in little Marion, joining the mutiny.
  "I will tiss Dimmy! and I tored up my hat 'tause a pin picked me,"shouted Pokey, regardless of Jamie's efforts to restrain her.
  Captain Dove looked rather taken aback at this outbreak in theranks; but, being a dignified and calm personage, he quelled therising rebellion with great tact and skill, by saying, briefly"We'll sing the last hymn; 'Sweet, sweet good-by' you all knowthat, so do it nicely, and then we will go and have luncheon."Peace was instantly restored, and a burst of melody drowned thesuppressed giggles of Rose and Mac, who found it impossible tokeep sober during the latter part of this somewhat remarkableservice. Fifteen minutes of repose rendered it a physicalimpossibility for the company to march out as quietly as they hadmarched in. I grieve to state that the entire troop raced home ashard as they could pelt, and were soon skirmishing briskly overtheir lunch, utterly oblivious of what Jamie (who had been muchimpressed by the sermon) called "the captain's beautiful teck."It was astonishing how much they all found to do at Cosey Corner;and Mac, instead of lying in a hammock and being read to, as hehad expected, was busiest of all. He was invited to survey and layout Skeeterville, a town which the children were getting up in ahuckleberry pasture; and he found much amusement in planninglittle roads, staking off house-lots, attending to the water-works,and consulting with the "selectmen" about the best sites for publicbuildings; for Mac was a boy still, in spite of his fifteen years andhis love of books.
  Then he went fishing with a certain jovial gentleman from theWest; and though they seldom caught anything but colds, they hadgreat fun and exercise chasing the phantom trout they were boundto have. Mac also developed a geological mania, and went tappingabout at rocks and stones, discoursing wisely of "strata, periods,and fossil remains"; while Rose picked up leaves and lichens, andgave him lessons in botany in return for his lectures on geology.
  They led a very merry life; for the Atkinson girls kept up a sort ofperpetual picnic; and did it so capitally, that one was never tired ofit. So their visitors throve finely, and long before the month wasout it was evident that Dr. Alec had prescribed the right medicinefor his patients.
Chapter 14 A Happy Birthday
The twelfth of October was Rose's birthday, but no one seemed toremember that interesting fact, and she felt delicate aboutmentioning it, so fell asleep the night before wondering if shewould have any presents. That question was settled early the nextmorning, for she was awakened by a soft tap on her face, andopening her eyes she beheld a little black and white figure sittingon her pillow, staring at her with a pair of round eyes very likeblueberries, while one downy paw patted her nose to attract hernotice. It was Kitty Comet, the prettiest of all the pussies, andComet evidently had a mission to perform, for a pink bow adornedher neck, and a bit of paper was pinned to it bearing the words,"For Miss Rose, from Frank."That pleased her extremely, and that was only the beginning of thefun, for surprises and presents kept popping out in the mostdelightful manner all through the day, the Atkinson girls beingfamous jokers and Rose a favourite. But the best gift of all cameon the way to Mount Windy-Top, where it was decided to picnic inhonour of the great occasion. Three jolly loads set off soon afterbreakfast, for everybody went, and everybody seemed bound tohave an extra good time, especially Mother Atkinson, who wore ahat as broad-brimmed as an umbrella, and took the dinner-horn tokeep her flock from straying away.

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