Thursday, October 25, 2012

fake rolex watches The auction house is another source for art pieces

The auction house is another source for art pieces. However, you are less likely to find modern pieces at an auction. If vintage or antique art appeals to you, you can often pick these up for amazing prices. If you are buying the artwork for investment, you might want to think twice before buying here. Usually, the customary outlets for fraudulent pieces are found at second rate or third rate auction houses. Although these auction houses inform the buyer of the art's authenticity, it is not always done so in an upfront manner and since they're not responsible for the art's authenticity, they don't worry about it too much. A red flag concerning the real value of a "bargain" is an unusually low price on a piece by a high-priced artist. This could mean the work is bogus, damaged or inferior.

At the end of the day, the same common sense rules apply, whether you'll be spending a million dollars or ten dollars. Window shop often. Make yourself a fixture in the museums and galleries local to you. Learn as much as you can. Establish contacts in the local art scene and enlist their guidance, especially when contemplating a purchase. Protect yourself from deception. And most importantly, only buy it if you like it.

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